In case you’d like to install an LED screen for your company, it is important to be aware of the technology. Not long ago, only a few companies in the industry were able to access LED screens. In fact, stadiums, casinos, and malls had been the only places where these types of screens were found.
At present, LED screens are used by almost every industry thanks to the advancement of technology. Any individual, including you, will want to have a video screen for attracting clients. In the subsequent paragraphs, we have mentioned several essential things that you ought to know regarding LED screens!
1. Figuring out image clarity using pixel pitch
Pixel pitch is an essential component of the LED panel which informs regarding the distance measured between the centers of 2 adjacent pixels. This particular aspect along with the screen size informs you regarding pixel density and resolution. These values play an important role while figuring out what kind of work you need the screen for. It likewise informs you regarding the viewing distance. It will be possible to obtain a sharp image in case the pixel pitch is quite high.
2. IP rating
IP rating figures out how well the LED screen is sealed from all types of detrimental external conditions which might happen while making use of the gadget. As a matter of fact, every component of the LED screen is dust and water-resistant. There is no possibility of damaging delicate electronic gadgets since these are actually outdoor displays. The digits within the IP code are responsible for ascertaining the level of protection.
3. Lighting up the event
It is imperative to consider your LED screen in terms of illumination and brightness. It is extremely important since you might be required to face different lighting conditions while making use of the LED screen.
The unit of measurement of screen brightness is a nit. In case the value is higher, the screen is going to be brighter. It will not be a sensible idea to make use of a blurry display in broad daylight. Similarly, in case the screen is excessively bright and it is used in dark areas, you will not feel comfortable either.
4. Refresh rate
The refresh rate is considered to be a value that shows the number of times data is displayed by your screen every second. Although one can sometimes confuse it with frame rate, these are actually not the same. In case the refresh rate is 48 Hz and the frame rate of the video is 24 FPS, it implies that each frame is going to be displayed 2 times.
The minimum refresh rate for LED screens is 400 Hz on most occasions. It is imperative for the refresh rate to be a minimum of 1000 Hz so as to capture attractive and flicker-free photographs of the screen. Although contemporary constructions might go as much as 9000 Hz, it might lead to reduced brightness in some cases.
5. Difference between SMD and DIP
Although the identical job is performed by both technologies, the design principles are not the same. We talk about as many as 3 separate diodes in the case of DIP each of which displays a different color. On the other hand, SMD comprises 3 colors that are mounted on a die to form 1 seamless diode. It is a fact that it is simpler to manufacture DIP which makes it much more cost-effective. On the contrary, SMD is quite complicated and compact and enables the packing of more pixels onto the LED screen thus achieving higher resolution.
Dynamo LED Displays is a leading manufacturer as well as supplier of an extensive array of LED screen and LED display products and is based in the UK and Dubai. Having experience of more than 15 years, this company is constantly developing its capabilities and understanding based on the requirements of the clients. They have successfully combined technology and art for breathing life into your imagination by means of visual stellar modernization.
Customer satisfaction is the prime objective of this company along with understanding their unique business requirements. Dynamo LED Displays has succeeded in adapting that technology for designing and engineering the appropriate LED video and screen displays at inexpensive rates.