On one hand, where the furniture and sofas elevate the grace of your house while on the other end, they are always vulnerable to marks and stains ever so rapidly than conventional households items 🠤 ¢. So, the cleaning of the sofa is an essential requirement and you can hire professional companies to handle your sofa. But prior to hiring, you should know more about sofa cleaning in Dubai to make a decision to hire the best company for your sofa. For the same purpose, the followings are the most effective & compactly compiled tips that can help the cause quite comprehensively.
1. Regular vacuuming
This is the most fundamental and convenient aspect of keeping your furniture tidy up where you can clean the cracks or crevices in between the cushions and arm holding places. However, brushing before the vacuum can ease the process of stain removing and dirt eradication. Keep in mind, however, that dust particles and other pollutants can get dispersed into the air and may lead to poor indoor air quality. Sometimes, due to moisture accumulation, your sofa may even have developed mold (which needs to be cleaned out by professionals). The mold spores often get into the air and can cause respiratory issues in the long run-buy at home mold test kit if you suspect this is the case. So, this is something you may have to keep in mind when cleaning or vacuuming your sofa.
2. Using white vinegar
Since the vinegar is quite a mild acid so it does not harm the sofa’s fabric instead it proves to be ideal stain resistant. There will be a need to dry the vinegar and dab the area with water mixed soap solution to get rid of the vinegar smell. If you don’t have enough time to deep clean the sofa, you could hire leather sofa cleaning professionals who may not only remove the dirt but also restore the sofa’s appearance to the way it was when you first bought it.
3. Take the cushions off
Another sensible practice is to pull off the sofa’s cushion after a certain sitting or when you have used it for a meeting or hosting a bunch of people. This is how the cushions will keep their natural texture along with longlasting life. Moreover, taking off the cushions prior to their cleaning can help in enhancing their life and that’s too with the original outlook and performance at the same time.
4. Pet protection
For the pet owners, using the throws for the sitting place of pets over sofa can be helpful. Throws can be cleaned easily and in the case, if that is not the perfect option for you, you can remove pet hairs with a lint roller or rubber gloves. That way, spreading or sticking of a great proportion of the dirt & untidy particles can be avoided. In case the cushions are torn and need refinishing, hire a Personal Property Restoration Company to get them fixed properly.
5. Utilizing baby wipe
Some might find it weird but the baby wipes are amazingly efficient when it comes to picking the dirty substances and spills from the sofa. As the stain eliminating the tendency of the baby wipe is meant for the delicate skin, the wipe also works equally perfect for the furniture. While the added advantage is its fragrance, unlike the chemical detergents.
6. A washing machine can help
This step is most useful when there is a need for more detailed cleaning and you will have to remove cushions and entire of covers. After removing entire of protecting covers, you can put them in the washing machine on gentle cycle for cleaning to start. Cleaning with less intense detergent can yield optimal results. Also, read more about how you can clean the couch at home.
7. Deep & comprehensive drying
The constant experiments and results have shown that the natural ways of drying the sofa and its fabrics can provide a harmless output as compared to the tumble dryer or similar tool. Although the natural mechanism takes a bit more time in removing dampness it keeps the natural shape intact while preventing the dank smell. It must be kept under consideration that the sofa must be drying tactfully after cleaning.
However, if you have no time to clean or want to just relax for a bit…
Contact The Cleaning Company in UAE for all your cleaning needs!