Joint pain is something that affects millions of people every year, with 15 million people reportingly suffering joint pain from arthritis alone. Thankfully, there are now more ways to help ease or cure joint pain than ever before. From boswelia complex pills to chiropractor visits to injections, you just need to find the solution that works before for you. In recent times, some people have even found solace in CBD products which are specifically harvested, strained, and made into all different types of products to target different conditions. The natural features of the plant mean it contains substances like terpenes and some might wonder whether these enhance or alter the effects of THC and CBD. But they do not alter it, it is a non-artificial method of medication with medicinal and herbal remedies which so many people find comfort in for their chronic pains.
And this is not all. There are plenty of remedies like this coming out every day for the likes of different conditions, so many people are in luck. Some people could even opt for lifestyle changes, such as incorporating an adjustable bed in their bedroom, to improve their joint health! By distributing body weight evenly, adjustable beds (to find the best adjustable beds in Australia click here) can provide temporary relief from joint pain. Due to their flexible nature as well, they can be adjusted to conform to the natural curve of the spine, providing additional support for the knees, spine, and hips. As a result, the joints are properly supported across all parts of the body, allowing a person to sleep better at night. Those interested could read up online articles and blogs to get additional information about them. Today, however, we will be discussing joint pain and how injections can help ease discomfort.
Joint injections, also commonly known as intra-articular injections, are used by private and public healthcare providers as well as physiotherapists, to help with a variety of conditions affecting the joints. This includes the likes of rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, and inflammation caused by injuries from activities such as sports.
There are a variety of agents that can be u sed in such injections, one of which is hyaluronic acid. This highly viscous liquid can be injected into the joint to relieve inflammation of the bursa sacs, which play a key role in allowing freer joint movement and in the reduction of friction between bones in the body.
Who Can Benefit From A Hyaluronic Acid Injection Most?
Of those who experience joint pain and inflammation, there are two primary groups of sufferers who can benefit the most from a hyaluronic acid injection treatment program. These are individuals diagnosed with osteoarthritis, and those who have suffered from sporting injuries.
When joints are affected by osteoarthritis, they begin to lose their capacity to hold enough synovial fluid. This means that the affected joints end up less lubricated and can struggle to absorb impact due to the reduction of this cushioning fluid. Those most at risk from osteoarthritis include older and elderly adults. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that a quarter of over 65s worldwide suffers from disability or pain that can often be associated with arthritis and osteoarthritis. This means that there are many sufferers dealing with a reduction in synovial fluid capacity who require treatment. For these people, there are various treatment options available that include physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, weight loss, and, of course, hyaluronic injections. You can also request medication aid like a pillbox if you have lots of medication.
However, there are also people who can experience joint problems at a much younger age, often as a result of injuries picked up from physically intensive activities such as football and running. Joint injections of hyaluronic acid can be a long-term pain relief solution for those dealing with mechanical injuries and osteoarthritis respectively.
Understanding Injections For Osteoarthritis
Before it can be understood why injections for osteoarthritis can be beneficial, the problems that osteoarthritis causes must be defined. Osteoarthritis also known as knee arthritis and often abbreviated to OA, is a term used to describe the inflammation of joints due to general wear and tear often brought about by aging, as well as strain caused by prolonged excess weight on the joints. It is, by far, the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis can cause cartilage within a joint to stiffen and lose its flexibility. This can cause problems when it comes to shock absorption and can lead to bones rubbing together.
Common symptoms of osteoarthritis include feeling stiff and/ or painful after a rest period, pain after joints have been overused, sore joints when moving and general joint swelling. As aforementioned, there are a number of treatments, including surgery. However, this latter can be an expensive route and is not always possible due to patients’ personal circumstances. On the other hand, joint injections for osteoarthritis are affordable options that can be suited to all sufferers of osteoarthritis. One of the injection agents commonly used is hyaluronic acid. Also, if the surgery option appeals more to you, you could look for knee arthritis treatment centers around you. They might be able to provide you clarity on the treatments available, techniques they use, cost, and other details.
Benefits of Knee Joint Injection Treatment For Osteoarthritis Sufferers
While affordability is one benefit of picking knee joint injection treatment for osteoarthritis, there are many more benefits to be observed. Firstly, joint injections consisting of hyaluronic acid go a long way towards reducing both joint stiffness and joint pain with minimal effort. Healthcare professionals will tend to remove any bursitis (i.e. excess, inflamed joint fluid) from the joints in question before then injecting the hyaluronic acid to help lubricate the joints. These injections can be applied every six months or whenever deemed necessary to ensure long-term pain relief for the sufferer. This means that the patient does not face a lengthy recovery, as seen with surgery, but merely has to avoid any excessive exertion for a couple of days after the injection. The side effects are very minimal and can manifest as some temporary stiffness and minor pain. However, these effects will soon dissipate and the maximum relief will be fully felt approximately one month after the injection.
It is also a good substitute for another type of injection for knee joint – steroid injections. With there being many studies suggesting that steroid injection treatments can end up causing permanent soft tissue damage to the cartilage and tendons, hyaluronic acid is a less risky prospect.
Intra-Articular Injection Of Hyaluronic Acid For Sport Injuries
As noted, hyaluronic acid can also be incredibly beneficial for those dealing with sporting injuries. In fact, many English Premier League footballers have benefited from intra-articular injection treatments of hyaluronic acid; not only to ease their joint pain but also to help improve their mobility. However, people of all sporting levels – whether professional, amateur, or novice – can benefit from an intra-articular hyaluronic acid injection treatment plan.
Hyaluronic acid is actually something that naturally occurs within our skin, our articular cartilage, and the synovial joint fluids. However, as we age, our body produces less and less hyaluronic acid. As a result, our skin becomes wrinkled, losing its elasticity; and our joint movements become stiffer. So these injections can help replenish and complement the levels of hyaluronic acid in our joints. Over the past decade, technology has allowed for fewer injections to be applied over a period. This not only makes it more convenient for patients, but it also means that the medical devices required for these injections take up less of the provider’s stockroom and storage space.