When a rash appears, it can sometimes be a little scary. For the majority of your life, your skin looks normal. And then, without warning, you break out, leaving you feeling bewildered.
In this post, we take a look at some of the most common rashes and how to get rid of them. Want to learn more? Read on.
Scarlet Fever
Let’s start with one of the leading causes of skin rash – scarlet fever. Scarlet fever sounds like an old-fashioned disease – and it is. But it is still quite common today, especially among children and younger adults.
The telltale sign you have scarlet fever is a red rash all over the body, except, usually, the hands and feet. The cause is strep throat infection, a common disease that affects the airways. Eliminating scarlet fever usually requires a visit to the doctor’s office. So long as you can get rid of the strep infection, your skin will eventually return to its natural color.
Contact Dermatitis
That annoying rash might also be something called “contact dermatitis”. This condition occurs when the skin comes into contact with a foreign, allergy-causing substance. So, it is prudent that you keep your house clean, especially your rugs and carpets that have a penchant for acting as the breeding ground for allergy-causing bacteria or substances. Get in touch with a professional from Champion Chem-Dry –trusted carpet cleaners in Chula Vista, CA and ensure that your carpets are free from those notorious elements. That said, if you are outdoors, avoid touching dirty surfaces. However, in the event you do, wash your hands immediately.
Remember that diagnosing contact dermatitis is notoriously tricky. In truth, it could be just about anything in your environment. If you notice it suddenly appearing, ask yourself whether you have changed anything in the last 48 hours. Sometimes, new washing detergent or bed sheets can be the cause. Other times,it might be dues in clothing or coming into contact with rubber or latex.
Try eliminating one thing at a time to see if anything makes a difference. Your skin should naturally recover within two weeks of your last exposure.
Tick Bites
Tick bites are another common cause of rashes. A typical tick bite has a blotchy, red core surrounded by a red ring that appears to emanate outwards from the site of the bite in all directions. In many cases, the tick remains attached to the skin for a long period of time so you may be able to see it.
If you have a tick bite, don’t try to remove the tick. Immediately go and see your doctor and get them to remove it for you. Tick bites are dangerous because they can lead to serious diseases that cause you to feel fatigued all the time.
If you suddenly have a sore throat, watery eyes, cough, runny nose and loss of appetite plus a red rash, you may have measles. Measles was well on its way to eradication. But, unfortunately, due to low vaccination rates, it’s on its way back. It usually shows up as tiny red spots on the face and down through the body within about five days of becoming infected.
Again, measles is a serious condition, so you’ll want to tell your doctor if you’re feeling sick. They can put you on medications to ease the symptoms and return you to health more rapidly.
If you’ve never had eczema before, suddenly realizing that you’ve got it can come as a bit of a shock. It usually appears on the backs of the elbows, knuckles, hands, ankles and feet first before other parts of the body.
Preventing eczema discomfort is usually quite easy. Make sure you regularly apply hydrating ointments to your skin to reduce chapping and keep it supple. If you live in a dry climate, you can also try using a humidifier to see if that improves your symptoms.
Cellulitis is a medical emergency so you should seek care at the first available opportunity. The condition presents as red, swollen, painful skin that spreads quickly to other parts of the body. It’s caused by certain bacteria and fungi getting under the skin and provoking an immune response. Patients typically develop chills, fever and red streaking that looks very much like a rash.
Shingles appear as fluid-filled clusters of blisters that periodically break out, usually on the sides of the abdomen. The condition relates to chickenpox that you might have had when you were younger. It’s an unpleasantly painful condition, that typically emerges on the torso first and then spreads to the rest of the face. Usually, fever, chills, headache and fatigue accompany it. Fortunately, the majority of cases clear up by themselves in a few days.
Psoriasis is a condition characterized by silvery, scaly patches on the surface of your skin that look different from the rest of it. These mostly appear on the lower back, knees, elbows and scalp, but they can show up pretty much anywhere.
Psoriasis is a strange condition because sometimes it produces symptoms, like itching, but other times it doesn’t. Getting rid of it usually involves changing your lifestyle and applying medical ointments prescribed by your doctor.
Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease
Not to be confused with food and mouth disease – a condition that affects farm animals – hand, foot and mouth disease is yet another rash-causing infection that usually affects people under five. It shows up as red blisters on the mouth, tongue, gums, soles of the feet and palms of the hands. You may also see some spotting on the buttocks or genital region.
To treat hand, foot and mouth disease, drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration. Eat soft foods, like yoghurt. And avoid spicy foods that could irritate lesions further. If you need to, take over-the-counter painkillers, like paracetamol.
If you notice circular-shaped scaly rashes on your skin, it could be ringworm, a condition that develops when certain types of parasites make their way under the skin. Usually, skin in the middle of the rash appears perfectly healthy, while that around the outside looks red, blotchy and scaly. It may also be itchy. Dealing with ringworm usually requires going to the pharmacy for special treatment.
So, in summary, there are a lot of rashes out there. And none of them are pleasant. Fortunately, you can fight back against all of them with the right medical intervention. Plus, many will simply clear up of their own accord – that’s always good to know.