Surviving a Long-Distance Relationship During a Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has brought with it a huge range of difficulties and unexpected challenges, but for those who have found themselves in a long-distance relationship, a whole host of other issues come with it.
Long-distance relationships can be challenging at the best of times, but throw in a global pandemic into the mix and the challenges are unimaginable. From canceled flights to arguments and miscommunication, the pandemic has caused a lot of issues for those in long-distance relationships.
While many things are out of our control at the moment, there are certain areas such as communication and making time to connect with your significant other that can be controlled. Here are some ideas to help to get you through this incredibly challenging time from miles, cities, or countries apart.
1. Communicate, communicate, communicate
Relationships thrive on communication and communication alone. It doesn’t matter whether you live with your partner or are in a long-distance relationship, communication always matters. However, for the long-distance couple, communication can be a challenging aspect. Things that can be said with a hug and a kiss in person need to be communicated in different ways while the couple live apart. More and more people over the world are experiencing the need to communicate with their loved ones in different ways, due to the coronavirus pandemic. Modern technology offers a wide range of apps, websites, and networks that allow people to stay in contact with each other easier than others.
Even a quick text to say hello, making the time for a quarantine date night, or sending emails makes all the difference when things get hard. While apart, it is even more important to say things as they are- there’s no room to be cryptic when body language cannot be read or comfort given with a gentle touch.
2. Ride out the frustrations
All couples fight. That is natural, but especially so with the uncertainty that is going on around the world right now. However, if you want to maintain a healthy long-distance relationship, then you should still try to live by the golden rule of not going to bed with unresolved conflict. This is especially important for couples with differences in the time zone in addition to their distance. Feelings of loneliness due to a lack of proper communication cause tensions in most relationships. In fact, poor communication may lead to your partner’s temptation to cheat on you, which would only make your agony worse. In a long-distance relationship, you might not even be aware that such activities are taking place. Although there are apps like that you can use to spy on your spouse while they are in another nation, it may be much preferable to make every effort possible to maintain their interest in you. In addition, it is crucial to be upfront and honest with your partner when loneliness strikes since it will happen and is normal to feel that way. Therefore, in addition to discussing things out, discuss with your spouse how you want to handle any potential problems.
Tensions are incredibly high all around the world so make sure you give each other the grace and patience as you ride out your frustrations. Being in a relationship normally involved a sexual element, so living long-distance makes that part of your relationship impossible, unless you invest in something like Wink wink sex toys to get you through this long spell without feeling you’re missing out on sex too much. Honestly, there are so many options for adult entertainment toys that one could source from online stores discreetly. For instance, you can opt for a fleslight and enjoy great masturbation. However, just keep in mind that the toy must be cleaned thoroughly (to learn more about how to clean a fleshlight, consider going through posts by Maria & Mark Talk) after every use and kept hygienic to avoid any health issues.
3. Live your own life
As much as LDR couples may dream of being the ‘joint at the hip couple’, becoming too dependent on their partners can raise some red flags in a relationship- long-distance or otherwise.
Even during this time when you may find yourself to be emotionally vulnerable. It’s important to keep pursuing personal hobbies and interests without your person. Yes, it’s perfectly good and fine for a partner to bring happiness, but relying on that joy coming from a partner alone is less OK. Find what makes you happy and explore different activities and games that you could enjoy going alone. For example, you can try playing at online casinos such as Zoome (see zoome login and learn more) to make some real money! If gambling is not your thing, try video games or online card games to spend your time alone.
4. Plan for the future
Soon enough, you’re going to be back in the arms of your partner. So, even if you don’t feel like it, planning for the future is a must. This can look like looking at getting a virtual card issuing API so that you can spend money in either country or shopping for dream houses.
Discuss your future relationship ambitions, such as what your ideal Sunday together will look like, the first place you’ll go together when the travel restrictions are lifted, and what you’d like your next steps to be if nothing were holding you back.
Having thousands of miles, oceans, and several time zones between a couple can add to the urgency of needing to be together- especially when the world around you shuts down and you feel stuck in the hideous world of the unknown. The pandemic will not keep the world closed forever, and the frustrations you feel will soon fade as you find yourselves back where you belong.