Rainbow Milk has challenged me to come up with an amazing Karak Chai Recipe 😉 here goes.. ☕️
Click here to read the whole introduction on how n’ why I collaborated with the most tempting to-die-for Rainbow Milk we can oh-so-not-live-without!
70% credit of creating this great simple recipe goes to my amazing mum – Clementine D’Souza
Feeds: Sufficient for four
Prep Time: 20 minutes
1. 1 can of cardamom rainbow milk (158ml can)
2. 3 cups water
3. 4 teaspoons tea powder
4. 4 teaspoons raw sugar
1. Bring the water to boil
2. Add tea powder and raw sugar
3. Continue boiling for 8 to 10 minutes on low heat
4. Add cardamom rainbow milk into the mixture and bring it to boil again
5. Turn off the heat, strain the tea and serve hot