It’s tough to talk about the difficult topics in life, but often, it can feel like a breath of fresh air when we do so. Many people avoid directly approaching difficult topics if it means admitting fault, or becoming embarrassed, or feeling a little unsure of our footing and how the other person might react.
However, in a relationship, our closeness depends on us having those tough conversations and for both parties to adequately express themselves as appropriate. After all, if any long-term relationship is going to last, or if marriage is going to become worthwhile, we need to be able to meet challenges together. This requires conversation first and foremost.
So, how can you curate ‘those’ discussions with your partner? Well, first, it’s important to agree to have them. Then you can begin to start the immediate logistical considerations, like finding a place to sit down and talk rather than trying to do so when you’re rushing to get the kids ready for school, or when you’re both exhausted from a heavy work week on a Friday night.
In this post, we’ll discuss this further, helping you make the best judgment going forward:
Keep To The Agreed Topic
Keeping to the agreed-upon topics can be tremendously helpful for both parties, as it prevents both of you from spiraling one issue into another, and making a small disagreement that may lead to an emotional response from both of you turning into a list of the issues you’ve had with one another for years. Keep to the topic at hand, and make sure you remind one another when it gets too off-course.
Vent Your Frustrations
No relationship is perfect, and so steam builds up over time even if people are happy and healthy in each other’s company. Allowing some time to vent, perhaps allowing one person to hold a prop in order to determine them ‘the speaker’, can prevent arguments or for points to be misconstrued. Remember – this isn’t a platform to just denigrate either person, but to express your emotions, which can sometimes be its own reward and conclusion. Venting your frustrations may seem tough to listen to, but it can prevent you from holding them in and letting yourself become bitter, or finding indirect and subconscious means of ‘punishing the other person. Difficult conversations like this lead to real health in a relationship.
Weigh Pros & Cons and Give A Little
It’s good to come to decisions that you need to tackle with a sense of compromise. For instance, it’s a good idea to decide between tubal ligation or the alternative if you feel you’ve had all the beautiful children you wish to have, or perhaps you need to discuss if financing that new car is truly appropriate considering the last year of Covid and how tough that’s been on your self-employed approach. Weighing the pros and cons and giving a little each way can be a tremendous aid going forward.
Undoubtedly, discussions about difficult topics such as pregnancy and permanent birth control may be uncomfortable at first, but those discussions can probably make you feel more at ease with each other. Like, you could start the talk with the benefits and drawbacks of Vasectomy and what you can do if you change your mind later. For instance, nowadays, vasectomy recovery can be a much easier and painless as compared to old times. This could be due to the application of newer methods such as no-scalpel vasectomy and similar ones. You can let your partner know how such procedures can be painless and can have low downtime as it does not require bigger incisions.
You could even discuss the procedure’s Reversal Success rates with them based on your preliminary research. When it comes to making important decisions, talking always helps. It is equally important to be able to hear what your partner is thinking in order to make things better. This is far more difficult to say than it is to do. It’s easier to avoid painful emotions than it is to talk about relationship problems. However, the inability to have difficult conversations can often lead to couples avoiding each other, preventing arguments but harming the sense of intimacy that is quite important in a relationship.
With this advice, we hope you can more readily have ‘those’ discussions with your partner, and feel better off for them.