Taking the ‘tough’ out of losing weight was at my doorstep and what did I do? I took the leap
F.I.T is a program curated by the company Forever Living – a company that is the world’s No. 1 producer and distributor of aloe vera products (they grow more than 400 species of Aloe Vera)
The entire program is for 69 days where you do Clean 9 for 9 days followed by F.I.T 1 and F.I.T 2 for 30 days each. Clean 9 will completely detoxify your body + make you lose upto 4 kgs (or even 5kgs) within 9 days if you commit to it. Consider F.I.T 1 as a prep for F.I.T 2 – these diets will help you regain your lost body shape.
If you have the willpower to do the WHOLE 69 days program you will DEFINITELY see a miracle!
How does C9 work?
1. You don’t eat anything for the first two days except for unlimited ‘free food’ and whatever is provided in the C9 box. ‘Free Food’ is the food that is under Glycemic Index 55 (basically food that is low in sugar and prescribed for diabetic patients. For eg: boiled broccoli, quinoa and veggies) click here to see examples of Free Food.
2. You are allowed to eat ONLY 700 calories from Days 3 to 9 (no sweets). If you are hungry you can consume unlimited ‘Free Food’.
What is included in the C9 box?
1. 2 litres of Aloe vera gel – Everyone knows the benefits of this miraculous tonic! It is known to heal cancer, remove acne and heal several issues with the external or internal body.
2. Protein Shake (Vanilla/Strawberry/Chocolate) – A snack replacement and the only carbs you may get
3. Garcinia Plus – A supplement that stops your carbohydrates from turning into fat and breaks the current fat cells in your body.
4. Forever Therm – A supplement loaded with caffeine to keep you energetic throughout the day.
1. I lost 3 kgs in 9 days
2. Bloating had reduced
3. After Day 2 and Day 9 you will notice your appetite has reduced drastically
4. If you continue to F.I.T 1 and F.I.T 2 (AED1017.50 each) where you can consume about 1500 calories per day you will see a long term result
5. You are most likely to stick to the C9 Diet as you would have paid AED575 for one box
6. My skin was glowing because of all the aloevera I had consumed in 9 days (around 2 cups per day)
7. C9 is an all-natural diet
1. I could have lost more weight but I started consuming more calories towards the end as my body gave up
2. The problem with a 9 day crash diet is; as soon as it’s dusted you start craving for everything under the sky as you cannot change your lifestyle and habits in just 9 days.
3. I thought I would not gain the weight back, but I did.
4. Aloevera does not taste good. It is probably x10 times more bitter than a bitter gourd
5. The C9 box costs a whooping AED575. If you create your own 9 Day Diet where you can consume only 700 calories per day and eat food under Glycemic Index 55 when hungry you will lose weight either way!!
If you want to experiment and buy either of the boxes contact me by clicking here