Pathogens have enormous potential to multiply such that one pathogen can replicate to over 8 million pathogens in a single day.
You see a lot of floor maintenance tips floating around telling you how important it is to clean and maintain your wooden flooring. But, is it true how much bacteria can be on your floor? Yes, it is!
Disinfecting and cleaning are the most effective way of keeping germs/pathogens away from your home and children. Thus, your house should sanitize to maintain a proper healthy environment. Covid-19 is known to transmit through contact; it is vital to keep yourself clean and disinfect your house daily with the floor materials.
Disinfect and clean our floors?
Each day we are unaware of germs getting passed from around due to improper cleaning and disinfection. Walking on floors is a potential reason why germs are getting spread from place to place.
Objects lying on the floor can help spread germs, and besides this, every touch can lead to the spreading of germs and contamination further increases the long chain of spreading. All of this and many other reasons are why we all should be very cautious about disinfecting floors.
Moreover, it could be crucial to disinfect indoor as well as outdoor surfaces such as patio and deck flooring. While indoors can be cleaned easily, outdoor cleaning may require professional assistance since a huge amount of dust and mold can get accumulated on the floor. You can hire an expert for high-pressure washing the house exteriors along with Deck Oiling, cleaning, painting, etc., which could disinfect the outer surfaces. The treatment can differ based on the flooring material.
As for indoors, floors can be different types depending on the room and the place you live. So here is a guided and thorough study on the things to apply on specific kinds of floor:
Laminated wooden floors
Cleansing is not a tough chore to do if you know how to apply the right materials. Each type of floor is different and desires a different kind of cleaning and maintenance. Laminated wooden floors are easy to clean floors if you are familiar with the ways to do it. The first thing you should avoid is adding water before cleaning the dust, dirt, and debris. To remove the dust and dirt, you need to use a disinfecting floor cleaner to remove all dust, dirt, and debris.
After that, you must spatter a little bit of baking soda on the floor. After doing that you can create a mixture of hot water, vinegar, and dish soap in a bucket. Companies do not recommend using soap products generally on laminate wood since it takes the shine away and makes them look dull. Use a mop or scrub brush to clean the floor and tight corners of the room. You can use old towels to dry the floor to make sure no water is absorbed. Different companies manufacture disinfecting floor cleaners giving the consumer a wide variety of choice and ensuring you can clean your house.
Hardwood floor
Hardwood floors bring durability and warmth, unlike any other floors to your home (and, if you would like to learn more about this particular type of floors, you can click the link to explore). They can last for decades and years because of their natural properties. These boards need special caring and thus a different method of cleaning them. The first step to clean these floors is to clean the dust and dirt because of using anything else. You cannot use a vacuum for hardwood floors since this could damage the attachment of the floor. So, avoiding that we can use a floor brush to clean all the dust away. You may have to do this twice a week or more depending on the number of children or pets you have in the home. Taking proper care of hardwood floors can make them last for decades without any problems whatsoever.
Distilled white vinegar is the most suitable disinfectant for hardwood floors because of its non-toxic and natural cleaning agent. The acidic nature helps kill germs and gives you an appropriate place for everyone to do all sorts of activities. Make a mixture of vinegar and water, adding a half cup of vinegar to a gallon of water. Make sure you do not apply vinegar directly without adding water to it. Take a mop and soak it to a minimum and use it to clean every corner of your house. After you have mopped the floor using a soft cloth to dry the floor out quickly and effectively. Vinegar is the best choice to clean this type of floor because of how cheap it is, how effectively it can kill germs and its non-toxic property. Disinfecting floor with bleach is also a favourable alternative cleaning solution.
Tiled floor
Tiles are easy to clean since you can use soap and water to rinse them out. You can clean tile floors with floor scrubbers. Visit https://asprucedhome.com/ to read all floor scrubber’s reviews & tips tricks to clean tiled floors perfectly. However, disinfecting titles is a different matter altogether from just cleaning. Different types of tiles require different materials and conditions.
Ceramic and porcelain
A mixture of white vinegar, borax and ammonia can disinfect ceramic and porcelain. Add half cup ammonia, one-fourth cup of borax, and half cup vinegar to a gallon of water. All of the ingredients used here are very effective and powerful when it comes to disinfecting. After you have mixed the solution well using a spray bottle or mop spread it across the titles. Make sure you cover every part of the tile that needs disinfecting thoroughly. Scrub the tiles and floor to make sure you get it to every corner of the floor. After you have done the scrubbing, let the solution be there for 15-20 mins to take effect. After that rinse using water and a soft cloth and there you have your germ-free floor.
Marble, granite, and limestone
Marble, granite, and limestone need a little different care from other titles. For cleaning them, you need a mixture of water and bleach or hydrogen peroxide. Bleach is one of the powerful disinfectants in the market although you can use your hydrogen peroxide instead of it. Although, you must exercise caution while using it as hydrogen peroxide can be harmful if you are exposed to its concentrated form as it can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and throat. Consequently, those who are around its concentrated form on a regular basis, like workers in the rocket fuel industry or paper industry, are most susceptible to exposure, which is why they tend to be extremely careful while storing the chemical in special cabinets from the likes of Storemasta or similar online stores. However, for household use, you would only require its diluted version and you should be safe as long as you use gloves while handling it.
Alternatively, you can make a mixture of 1 gallon of water and half a cup of bleach. Using a spray or mob, wipe the floor or walls and ensure the mixture spreads everywhere. You will have to wait 10-15 mins to make sure the chemicals take effect. Finally, rinse it out using water and dry using a soft cloth.
All floors require different type of cleaning and rinsing, so make sure you know what sort of mixture you are using. Disinfecting floors will ensure you have a clean and germ-free house, and your kids can play without fear of getting caught with diseases.